How Sweet It Is!

I think this brain thing is one of the craziest things I’ve ever been through in my entire life.

One day I lost everything and a month later – like five days ago – things turned around. Then I suddenly realized I had enough balance to – believe it or not –  pee like a boy.  It suddenly hit me in the moment: I think I can stand and do this. And guess what? I did!

The implication was clear: I was more stable. I still had to be careful, obviously, but something had changed.


Me Standing On My Own – Wow!

Then two days after that, I was able to take five well ordered steps across the kitchen from the refrigerator to the sink without my brain going crazy and throwing me to the left or right; I was slow and careful, but managed it.

And that’s how it all began. Walking again. It’s amazing. When you lose your mobility, you lose everything. It is difficult to describe exactly how much you lose. I think a number above 99 percent would be close.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have no plans to go jogging or start taking square dancing classes. I walk always reaching for a surface; getting around the kitchen, I’ll run my fingers along the kitchen table for reference and will often coordinate my walking by first hanging onto the refrigerator door handle for absolute safety, let go, then walk about four steps to the kitchen sink area, where I’ll grab the counter. But still, I have walked. And I still use the walker to get around even in the house. I do not want to fall.

All this begs the question: what is happening up there in my brain? The answer is: I don’t know. Probably the tumors are dying (hopefully) and the inflammation is down (again, hopefully), so now my brain can switch back.

But it’s great to be up on my feet like a normal homo sapien. Don’t take it for granted. It’s wonderful.

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