The Simple Things in Life

Is there anything more beautiful in the universe than this:


This is a wonderful walker that has changed my life! Before I had it, I was a prisoner in my bed; if I wanted to get out and do anything, I had to ask someone in my family to come, get me out of bed, and be with me as we walked down the hallway and into the kitchen\living room area. It worked, and my family was always great about it, but I had to ask.

Now, I can just jump out of bed (well, not really) and tootle down the hallway all by myself. I have to be careful, mind you; I do not want to fall. My head has been really trippy these days, so I go slow and sit down if I have to. But I am mobile – something fantastic.

I also need to walk. Sitting too much is really bad; I sense I am weaker and have lost muscle mass, so walking is the best thing for me.

Now, a month ago I would have laughed if you told me a walker would so excite me. “What,” I might have laughed. “You’re telling me I’m ready for the nursing home?” I hope not.

Let’s just say its amazing how thankful you can be for the simplest things in my condition!

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