Frank the Rooster

We now have a rooster. This is what Frank looks like:


Frank (right) with one of his hens (left)

Frank has an ego problem. He is not well adjusted. His behavior leaves much to be desired. Specifically: when my dear muscle bound 19 year old son walked out of our house the other day, I watched from the window above as the bird attacked him, wings fluttering everywhere around his thigh and hip bone, and he quickly was in a run.

That’s Frank.

He’s also attacked my 22 year old son, and my wife was just today afraid to get out of our van, saying she had to first call for help. When my 13 year old daughter now goes and gets the eggs from the coop, she walks armed with a broom, and when my 10 year old walks to the bus, my wife yells from the window to watch his backside.

This is Frank, whom my son who introduced him to us said is not just an ordinary rooster but the leader of a harem; specifically, there’s five chickens he can count on, so he’s a polygamist, and feels the inner need to protect what is rightfully his. Thus his behavior.

But bad behavior is not Frank’s only failing. At 5:30 in the morning he is cock-a-doodle-do-ing and also throughout the morning. If he’s below our window – and he has been – its like a siren from a nearby fire station wailing at noon. Yes, it is. Try to get a little more sleep or take a mid-day nap, and off he goes, no one knows when, so I now sleep with my phone playing music to try to drown out the wails.

The son who got Frank and I texted recently, and I expressed my displeasure with this animal. This I got back:

Give Frank a Chance

Wanting to be funny, I texted back,

Like Give Peace a Chance

He texted me back:

Frank’s a nice guy

He loves Frank, and is willing to get rid of the two ducks who poop all over the place and place them in the pot. One of Angela’s friends said that she would take a duck, and she loves to cook. What could be better?

And Frank? What shall be done with him? That is the subject of this little post. Give Frank a Chance. How heartless to think of cooking this poor animal, just following his innate biology. Franks a nice guy, and he probably had a difficult childhood, so why cook him up? Let’s be liberal about all this, I can hear the posters on Facebooks say with a telling meme and a catchy slogan! Would you want to be cooked up just because you had bad behavior? No, no, no.

I don’t know. Frank is Frank, and I am me. Its better if we never met. But my house is my house, and we can’t put up with everything, so perhaps we will reach a tipping point, and into the pot Frank will slide.