What This Blog is All About

I would like to review what I am trying to accomplish with this blog with all my dear readers.

First, I thought it would be interesting for people to know what it is like to live with Stage IV esophageal cancer – which is one of the worse cancers out there. I try to go beyond the mere physical aspect of cancer; indeed, the physical is the least important aspect of cancer in one way. Cancer comes with a huge toll in many other ways: emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual and otherwise. It completely disrupts ones life. This is what I have labored to chronicle for those who are interested finding out in what it must be like.


Me writing my Blog


Second, I use the blog to communicate where I am with my cancer and treatments. There is one of me and hundreds of you, and it’s exhausting to text everyone “how I’m doing.” With this blog, I can let everyone know just by hitting the Publish button once. Also, rumors get started, and it gets back to me that the doctors are considering replacing my brain with that of our Boxer\Labrador dog – crazy things like that float back to me, so this blog helps keep the story straight.

I do not want any sympathy or pity. Back in 2007 when I was first diagnosed, I hated it when anyone would pity me. If you intend on doing that, unfollow me on Facebook and Instagram and never talk to me again. I’ll go for compassion, but let’s not cross the line.

I write from a Christian perspective. I will write from no other perspective. If I wasn’t a Christian, I have no idea where I would be on this journey, but I know it would be no where even close to where I am now mentally. If there is anyone I need to preach to or at, it’s me.

I try to interject humor at times as appropriate, and I hope you get my humor. I’m in trouble if you don’t. My belief is that if you don’t have humor getting through this stuff, you are in big trouble. Losing your sense of humor is a sign that bad things are happening in the inner life.

Finally, I love to write, and I hope you enjoy the blog.

p.s.  WordPress is a free service, so if you see advertisements, I am not responsible for that.  A few people have said they were questionable in content at times.

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