All Lights on and Flashing…

Its really interesting working with ones body on a daily basis these days, that’s for sure!  Hour after hour we are attempting to keep a symphony of bodily functions in operation so we can continue to sponsor life on this planet in the form of me.

Its complicated, lets just say that.


For instance, if I get into some serious shingles pain, I can take the big boy – Oxycodone – and feel great, but then that knocks out my bowels. That’s always bad news, and then I get the Bowel Police on my back (nurses). So we have to find another way since pooping is important and  I really don’t want the Bowel Lecture again.

But I need to get up and exercise, since that’s good for me, but then again I risk knocking out my stomach because I get sea sick just by walking, and once that goes I feel lousy and stop eating, both of which are always bad.   Even with a feeding tube, it is important to eat real food, as this is a mental thing – and with cancer, mental things are important.

There’s my feeding tube, which solves all these problems, but my body can’t handle a fast enough flow and I risk knocking out my stomach again and having less nutrition – which is always bad for yet another reason – I get weak.  So here we risk taking down another organ.

Then totally unrelated is the weather report in my head. The good news is that 97% of the time the weather is clear, but it’s cloudy the other 3%, and I don’t know why. Its difficult to describe. I can think but its as if you stuck my head in a fog machine, and all of the whiteness went into your brain through the ears and is now swirling. [As I edit this, the fog is drifting around my brain, but I’m good.]

The good news is that with the feeding tube, I can always be properly hydrated. I could put a gallon of water down my feeding tube in 25 minutes if I wanted to (of course I don’t ever do that much). “Boy,” my wife will say, taking my urinal. “That pee has a great color!” In my former life, I got honor by being the great computer guy who solved esoteric computer woes for small businesses. Now I get honor by the color of my pee. Times have changed.

Finally, we have my meds.   I am taking something every six hours for something – who know for what, we just down the multicolored and differently shaped pills without question.  Thing is, some have to be taken with food and others not.  So we just can’t eat when we want, we have to eat strategically in coordination with the med.    That alone is enough to make you dizzy.

So in all this my body is like a computer router, where a good sign is when all the lights are on and blinking. One light is Stomach, another Side (Shingles), a third Bowels a forth Hydration and Head a fifth so forth. Most of the time all the lights are all blinking – major processes are operational – and I am in no distress – something that I am very thankful for.  As long as all major organs are online and blinking, I’m good.

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