Last Zap

The question is, what is the appropriate way to celebrate the last day of your radiation?

It’s all over, and we can ask:  how does it feel?  It feels great. Walking out of the cancer center today was like walking across the stage for my high school graduation.  No one was clapping but outside the clouds were bowing and the sun shone, having  just come out of its hibernation after a long winter.  What could be better?


Mind you, radiation really wasn’t that bad but it was still radiation, and the idea of high energy particles being shot into your body (that is, my body) gives one some cause for concern.   As I lay there with Betsy (my name for the radiation machine) moving her  appendages all around me and making a buzz, buzz, buzz sound, I hoped that all these technicians and the doctor knew what they were doing.  There is incompetence everywhere in this world, so why not in the Cancer Center radiation department?  Let’s hope not.

Well that’s all the past and I’m just glad it’s ended.  Now we get to figure out if there’s chemo in my future or not, but that’s down the road.  For now it’s time to celebrate, and I do know of a great bakery in town.